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Jennifer and Greg

Jennifer and Greg |  Charlotte Wedding photographers

We all love in a yellow submarine. Yellow submarine, yellow submarine. C’mon, everybody…

Picture this: a 60’s tribute band, some of the most incredible hand made decorations and two of the most delightful people on earth, saying their vows at the incredible Brakefield at Riverwalk and you have the makings of an epic wedding.

Jennifer and Greg took everything about a traditional wedding, turned the volume up to 11, flipped it, twisted it and turned it upside down. Greg and Jennifer are the owners of Creature Revenge Monster Studio, which creates haunted houses and special effects props for commercials and movies, and they meticulously hand-crafted every single detail of this yellow submarine wedding. Never have we seen such a colorful and fun wedding. Even the bridesmaid who was recovering from knee surgery had a colorful treatment for her crutches! Take a gander at this wedding and tell us if it isn’t the cutest thing you’ve seen since John buried Paul. (Obscure ‘Strawberry Fields’ reference. Look it up on the google, you’ll see.)



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