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“Home is where your mom is”

Dana is the behind-the-scenes whip cracker that keeps Love Shutter running like a well-oiled machine. Her mission is to ensure every aspect of your photography experience at Love Shutter is perfection. Kind of like a Starbucks PSL on a chilly October morning. Dana has been known to wrangle a spreadsheet, answer her e-mails, send a contract, and coordinate an engagement shoot all before she finishes her first cup of coffee. She’s. That. Good. Dana’s innate ability to manage hundreds of details allow Briana and Ron to focus on what they do best, creating the magical images that make Love Shutter so special.

A bit more about Dana

When she’s not at her computer, Dana can be found visiting Asheville, hanging out at a local brewery or catching up on ‘This is US’. If you ever send her an e-mail and she hasn’t replied in 15 minutes, call the cops because something’s definitely wrong!

Likes: Her family, Black Mocha Stout, medium rare steaks


Dislikes: Condiments, fruit, being cold.


Favorite movies: Rambo, Pillow Talk, Sweet Home Alabama


Favorite band: Emily Hearn


Little known fact: Dana has been on stage with Cirque Du Soleil


Dana’s favorite part of the day: When the bride is just about to walk down the aisle with her father.

Our Team

Get to Know Us

Charlotte wedding photographers - bio portrait - Briana



Principle Photographer

Charlotte wedding photographers - bio portrait - Ron



Principle Photographer

Charlotte wedding photographers - bio portrait - Office Assistant Dana


Office Manager


Lead Videographer

Like what you see? We’d love to hear from you!

Let’s chat about your wedding over some cookies and wine!

Follow us @loveshutter

Charlotte, NC

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